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Writer's pictureA.R. Grosjean, author

Baking: Hobby or Living

A while back I asked my readers what their #hobbies were. I was a little surprised to find baking on the list. After thinking about it, I came to realize why couldn't baking be a hobby? It is fun, isn't it? I love to bake. Unfortunately, I don't have an oven at the moment, so baking is out. Or is it?

With everything growing, new items are on the market that give people abilities we didn't have before. Other than the microwave, new things are out every day. I remember when little ovens came out for children. I wanted one of those easy-bake ovens because they were the coolest thing ever. Of course, my family didn't have the money for something like that. Today, other gadgets are available. I have a mini #cupcake maker. It came with a small pamphlet with recipes in it for cupcakes, muffins, and other treats to make. Now, you can only make 4 cupcakes in it at a time, but since I don't have an #oven, I'm happy to take an hour to make a box of cake mix into little cupcakes that just pop in the mouth. I made #cornbread with it too! Each set of four cakes takes 3 minutes. Using little cupcake papers makes cleanup a breeze.

You can get an assortment of these little units to do various things like making pies, pizza, and other cool things. And you can even use your crockpot to make things like cakes, meatloafs, and more. Don't have an oven? Now you don't have to suffer! I love it!

So, when you're using #baking as a hobby, what do you bake? I imagine, just about anything will work. Cookies, cakes, muffins, actual meals like casseroles or meatloaf; the sky is the limit. And I'm sure you'll have people lined up to taste test what you make lol. You may even find something new to try. If you can freeze what you make, you can make an entire week's worth of dinners just for the fun of it, freeze it for later, and use that extra time later on for different things. You can explore the recipes and make new things by substituting ingredients. If something doesn't taste right, you can scrap it and try something new. Now you can write your own #cookbook! Those are fun. Like everything else, the more you bake the better you get. I guess hobbies come in different forms and shapes just like people do!

Do you bake as a #hobby? What are your favorite things to bake for the fun of it?

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