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Writer's pictureA.R. Grosjean, author

Favorite Ways to Recharge

A person's battery can only go so far. When we're drained, we can easily become overwhelmed. I've been there. Recharging helps. Here are my favorite ways to recharge versus what other writers may or may not do. What's your favorite way to recharge?

As for me...

  • Watch a movie and tune everything out. I don't intentionally tune people out, it's just something I do, especially when I'm watching something good. But it does help me relax and get into a better mood.

  • Listen to music and sing along. Singing along really helps me.

  • Playing games on my tablet. I've gotten addicted to a few of the games and have a morning habit of playing them while I wait for the time to get to work. Sometimes, I have to force myself away from the game to get things done lol. But it does help me wake up, which is a good thing. No one wants a half-cleaned room so I do need to be fully awake to clean them. The quicker I get done, the faster I'm able to get to my writing and other writing-related things. And working sometimes helps me get recharged too, believe it or not.

  • Okay, yes working. It gives me time to think about things while I'm busy doing other things. It's not a "recharge" so to speak, but it gets me in the mood for it which for me is the same thing lol.

  • Playing around with covers. I love designing covers. I think I'm naturally artistic. Making things recharges me and puts me in a better mood. It also gets me excited about the story because I've been able to push what the story is about onto a picture. When I actually get it right makes me feel even better!

  • Visiting with other people. Laughing is awesome and can help me recharge. It also inspires!

Other people...

  • Go for a run

  • Take a nap

  • Reading (I do read, but I'm slow, and that usually makes me feel lousy lol. For me, it doesn't recharge me but other writers would disagree)

  • Edit another book

  • Go for a swim

  • Crafts

  • Take a walk

  • Watch the stars

  • Watch people (I do this for fun lol)

  • Reenact a scene from the book they're writing

If it's not on the list, what do you like to do to recharge?

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