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All Series

Peterson Estate series

YA Fantasy Paranormal

Birth of A Witch book cover
A New Beginning book cover
Hell Bound book cover
The Great Dark Witch book cover
Hotel Peterson Estate book cover
The Great War book cover
Angelic Blood book cover

Peterson Estate 1: Birth of a Witch

Peterson Estate 2: A New Beginning

Peterson Estate 3: Hotel Peterson Estate

Peterson Estate 4: The Great War

Peterson Estate 5: Hell Bound

Peterson Estate 6: The Great Dark Witch

Peterson Estate 7: Angelic Blood

A.R. Grosjean logo. Explore where only the mind can reach

Here you will find all series, published and coming soon so there won't be any guesses about what's coming next in each series. 
Published books are linked to the Books page.

Bloodline Curse

Paranormal Romance

Cursed Blood book cover
Spawn of the Curse book cover

Cursed Blood: Bloodline Curse

Spawn of the Curse: Bloodline Curse part 2

The Fairytale Adventures series

Children's Fantasy Adventure

Fairytales Truth book cover
Fairytale's Christmas book cover
The Keeper of the Memory Box book cover
Fairytale's Beginnings book cover
Fairytale's Dreams book cover

World Bureau Legacy

Science Fiction Thriller

Murder Through Time book cover
Missing Through Time book cover
Lost Through Time book cover
Quakes Through Time book cover

1- Murder Through Time

2- Missing Through Time

3- Lost Through Time (2025)

4- Quakes Through Time (2026)

The Identity Collection

Paranormal Thriller

Stolen (book cover)
mistaken book cover
Forgotten book cover
Switched book cover

1- Stolen

2- Mistaken

3- Forgotten (2025)

4- Switched (2028)

The Ghost Detective

NA Fantasy Mystery

A Case of Murder book cover
The Missing Diamonds book cover
The Missing Child book cover
A Halloween Mystery of Murder book cover
The Misplaced Journal book cover

1- The Case of Murder (2025)

2- The Case of the Missing Diamonds

3- The Case of the Missing Child

4- A Halloween Mystery of Murder

5- The Misplaced Journal

Adventures in the Milky Way series

YA Science Fiction Adventure

Magical Expansion front smaller.png
Planet X book cover
Angel Wars book cover
Darkness book cover

1- Magical Expansion (2024)

2- Planet X

3- Angel Wars

4- Darkness

The Hauntings


The Buried House book cover
Giveth and Taketh Away book cover
Dead Space book cover
People in the Woods book cover

1- Buried House (2025)

2- Giveth and Taketh Away

3- Dead Space

4- People in the Woods

Holiday Mysteries


Deadly Invite to Dinner book cover
Deadly Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony book cover
Deadly Christmas Party book cover

1- Deadly Invite to Dinner

2- Deadly Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

3- Deadly Christmas Party

4- ?

5- ?

Tales of the Aridaan Galaxy series

Science Fiction Thriller

John Azula book cover
Bezulub book cover
Azerct book cover
Captain Shizzer book cover

1- John Azula (2027)

2- Bezulub

3- Azeract

4- Captain Shizzer

Fairytale Nightmare

Dark Fantasy Romance

Cinder book cover
Wicked White book cover
Punzel book cover

1- Cinder

2- Wicked White

3- Punzel

4- ???

A Warrior's Bride

Fantasy (Trilogy)

The Warrior's Bride book cover
The Warrior's Bride and the Temple of Fire book cover
The Warrior's Bride and the Quest of Save the Kingdom book cover

1- The Warrior's Bride

2- The Warrior's Bride and the Temple of Fire

3- The Warrior's Bride and the Quest to Save the Kingdom

The Time Pixie


The Golden Bracelet book cover
The Silver Earrings book cover
The Ruby Ring book cover
The Diamond Necklace book cover

1- The Golden Bracelet

2- The Silver Earrings

3- The Ruby Ring

4- The Diamond Necklace

The Terror Pack


Birth of Evil book cover
From the Ashes book cover

1- Birth of Evil

2- From the Ashes

3- ?

4- ?

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