Song of the Bones and Sun

Indiana Jones meets Buffy
Dr Pete Adams, professor and archaeologist by day, vampire hunter by night. Rumors claimed the tablet of bones and sun existed but evidence said otherwise. When a stranger leaves a note at his desk saying he found the proof, curiosity pulls the doctor away, and in danger. Chasing shadows could blow his cover--his true identity. but will it be worth it to finally know the truth? Will risking his life prove to himself that he is every bit of a hunter his father was?
Life or death, nothing will stop Adams from locating the song of the bones and sun. Maybe now he will finally know who he is...
Song of the Bones and Sun
Published: December 30, 2024
Paperback length: 136 pages
Price on Amazon: $6.99 paperback/$1.99 E-Book
Pre-Order Available Now!
Audiobook Coming Soon!
C.L. Berns asked if he could narrate this story!