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Writer's pictureA.R. Grosjean, author

Writer's Self Care Tips (as seen on IG/FB)

Happy Monday! Today's post comes from #writerfriendschallenge and #fantasyindiesmaytober.

As an author, taking care of my mind AND body is important. For the longest time, I didn't think about my health--I didn't think it mattered. It took meeting my husband and becoming well-loved by his family when all that changed. Since I got a late start, the struggles were harder for me. So here are some tips so it isn't as hard for you. It's better to begin now than later.

First tip. Tell yourself you're worthy because you DO matter! You were created for a reason. Even if you don't know what it is right now. If you can feel what your purpose is, you're already halfway there. And if you never know, it doesn't mean you're any less worthy than those who do know. We're all equally important!

Playing word games can keep your mind sharp. After all, the brain is a muscle too. It's a very important muscle. Without it, the rest just don't work lol. So, treat it good. And be sure to give your brain some breaks too.

Depression and Anxiety are robbers of a healthy and happy life. Don't give in to them. Anytime, you feel them sneaking into your life, talk to someone. If you only have your cat or dog, sometimes just talking things out loud can help. But you also have to learn to listen when you do that. So maybe it's better to have a human by your side, so they can help you through your moment in need. Sometimes, we just need to hear how important we are. Believe me, you are important. Hearing that can make a difference.

Believe it or not, reading is a good thing for self care. It's another form of exercise for the brain. Besides the word games. And you're learning how to be a better writer on top of that, so it's a win-win, which is an awesome thing so be sure to read. You can read genres you write, read genres you don't write, and everything in between. That part is really up to you.

Going out for a run can also help you achieve a good self-care task. It can be a few minutes to an hour, or even longer if you're up for it. Give your heart a chance to speed up, but don't over do it. Start out small and work up to the longer times if you're just starting out. And don't forget to stretch those muscles first. No one likes getting a cramp in the leg or sides, stretching can help so that doesn't happen. You can also swim a few laps in a pool, climb stairs for a little while, or go for a long walk if running isn't your cup of tea. Cleaning house can also work lol. Don't forget to get that heart beat up a little. This takes part of the body.

I did a Google search on self-care. According to Google, there are 7 pillars; mental, emotional, physical, environmental, spiritual, recreational, and social. So while you're working on one, don't forget about the others. Yes, I know writing is mental, but when you're sitting at the desk (or wherever you're writing), you are usually sitting in one position which can put a strain on your body. Have you ever gotten up from your desk and had a stiff back? That's why it's important to have a healthy body as well. So while you're writing, it's important to take breaks from that sitting position too. Get up, and stretch your back, legs, and arms. Use the bathroom. Go outside for a minute and take in that fresh air. Go get the mail or take that run. Have a snack. Then, after your break, go back to writing. There are even desks that can move upward and you can stand while you write. I've seen them everywhere being advertised for. If you can manage something like this, give it a try.

Eating the right foods can also help. Some foods, like things high in protein (peanut butter, eggs, etc) can give you energy. Energy keeps you awake. And that's good. But don't over do it, like everything else. Moderation is better.

Get plenty of rest. For me, getting 8 hours of sleep means getting 12 hours lol. That's because I don't stay asleep and it takes a while to fall asleep. So if I went to bed at 9 and woke up at 5, I'm not actually getting 8 hours, so I sleep longer lol. You're going to be different. You know your body, so however if it for you to get your 8 hours in, do what works for you. But get as close to that 8 hours as you can. If that isn't possible, taking breaks with your eyes closed or getting in cat naps can also help.

Besides reading, other relaxing activities like crocheting, painting, gardening, embroidery, photography, baking, video games, building models, can also help. Anything that can lower your heart rate sets a calming mood, which does help you achieve a healthier mind. You don't want everything to move fast, sometimes slow and steady is what you need. Balance is important.

Stay connected. That means, keeping your social networks open is part of self-care. It doesn't have to be online. Call someone on the phone. Visit your neighbor. Walk down the street and talk to those you meet. Look, you're doing two things in one (exercising and being social!). Maybe you can add in a third and take a book you wrote lol. Hey, it wouldn't hurt.

Okay, I've just listed a lot of ways to for self-care. Writers, just like every body else needs to take care of their mind AND body. I know I've left things out. Please share your own tips below. Thank you!! Have a great day!!

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