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Writer's pictureA.R. Grosjean, author

Why Write?

Ask an author why they write and they will tell you--each writer giving a different answer.

One will want fame and fortune, another will want "to live forever", while another may say it's a way to leave something behind. We're all different. There really isn't a wrong answer to this question for that reason. Whatever drives us to write--we do it passionately because we love it.

That's the main reason why I write--I love it. I do want to be read, which is why I publish my stories. Fame and fortune is at the bottom of the list because it would only be a bonus for me--being recognized by someone who read and possibly enjoyed one of my stories would be awesome.

Having one of my stories with a cover wrapped around it, waiting for someone to read long after I've left this world would be a nice treat. 100 years from now, people can still get know who I am through my stories and they can wonder what I was like to imagine these characters and tell their stories the way I did. It wasn't my dream when I started--I knew so little back then. I've grown A LOT since I was kid! I never really thought about things like why I write--I just wanted to write. It was a calling. I felt like I was chosen for this profession and everything I went through led me to being right where I am--a writer.

Okay, so what are all the reasons why someone writes? Let's see...

  • The story I wanted to read hadn't been written, so I wrote it.

  • I want to be read.

  • I want to leave something behind--make a mark in this world.

  • I wanted to give a gift to my children or grandchildren.

  • Money.

  • Give me something to do.

  • I love telling stories.

  • I felt the need to tell a story.

  • I know something and wanted to share it (teaching someone something).

  • I want to make people laugh, cry, or have other emotions.

  • I went through something and needed to share it in order to heal.

  • The characters in my head wouldn't shut up until I wrote their story.

  • I love it!

  • My English teacher told me I should write a story and I found out I was actually good at it.

  • I want to be famous like "_______writer".

  • Nothing else better to do.

  • I have no idea. I was just pulled into it.


I only shared the ones I've heard over the years whether it was from an actual writer or from a group that taught writing. All the reasons why I write are pretty simple--I love it, I want to be read, I was pulled into as if I was meant for this, these ideas keep coming at me until I write them, and I can live forever (at least part of me). But the main reason is I love the writing process. Being able to share my characters' stories as they play out in my head is the most amazing gift I could give to the world. I always wanted to save it--this is my chance, one person at a time. I may not be able to save an entire world, but if I could help one or two people and they can help one or two people (and so on), maybe in a way I still can. Like the little boy who invented pay it forward (that was actually a true story!). When I saw that movie and learned it was based on a true story, I cried. For real. He and his idea will live forever and he was able to help so many people. I need to watch that movie again!!

I know I didn't mention every writer's reasons for writing, so if I missed your reason please share it below. Let's get a conversation going. Maybe we can convince that one person who is thinking about writing but hasn't made that first step yet.

Thank you!

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