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Writer's pictureA.R. Grosjean, author

What's in a Writing Space?

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

As a writer, I feel that some things are required while other things are basically up to one's preference. Everyone is different...

Things like something to write with or on (depending on how you write) are one of those required things. Other things like a dictionary and thesaurus should be required too but with computers, you can have that available online so books on a shelf may not be as required as it used to be. That being said, other books could be handy and depend on your level of expertise for requirements.

The genre someone writes under would also determine what's in a writing space.

My space has...

  • A desk for my laptop with a laptop always plugged in.

  • A lamp in case I need more light.

  • A mug for all the pens/highlighters I use while writing (for taking notes and such).

  • Stickers to decorate my pages in my notes and planner lol (not required but I enjoy using them).

  • Post-it notes, everywhere.

  • A dry-erase calendar to plan for the month and keep everyone at one glance. This helps me stay focussed so for me it's a requirement.

  • A corkboard to help keep some things organized (in and out of writing).

  • A plain dry-erase board for the current WIP, so I can stay on top of the progress. This is one thing that is for my eyes only and keeps me on target while writing.

  • A printer.

  • My published books on a shelf.

  • Books that help me write like a thesaurus, a book on weapons since I use weapons occasionally, and a book on creating characters to keep my mind fresh when creating characters.

  • Books written by other authors, kept on the same shelf as my books.

  • My planner where I record progress as well as other things related to writing and nonwriting.

  • Notebook journal to keep notes on the story at hand.

I also have the room decorated so I feel comfortable in the room and want to be in it. When you don't enjoy the space around you, you don't spend time in it. If the room is meant for your writing and you don't spend time in it, you're not going to be productive. So that is important.

Of course, if the space is more than a writing space, you have to accommodate for that as well. Some people write on their kitchen table so the space is going to have more than writing stuff in there. Those things are necessary for the room's purpose so you can't exactly remove them. Laptops are great for these spaces because they can easily be moved and stored away when not in use. That's one of the reasons why I like using one. I know of a quite of few authors who write their first draft on their cell phones. That can be done anywhere lol. Probably more so than a laptop lol.

What's in your writing space? What do you require versus like-to-have-but-don't-need? Reply below and share your answer. Thank you!

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