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What I Love About Being A Writer

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

Being a writer has a lot of perks. We can sit and stare at the wall and still be working. We can listen to people talk at the table next to us and use that for a fictional conversation, and not be considered rude because we're working. We can make something up and escape through our words in a place that exists only in our minds. We can self-heal through our writing. We can help others...

What I love about being a writer, is all of the above. I can be myself without any judgment from the people I've created because they are all a part of me. Before you ask, no I'm not a homicidal killer who watches people sleep lol. And I'm not a witch. But I love to use my imagination and come up with interesting yet normal people. I also love to stretch the idea of what normal really is. You may think being a witch isn't normal but in some places, it could be lol.

I also love the idea of losing myself within a story. And I get to be the one who's telling that story. I can make it as extreme or down-to-earth as I want it to be. I can make purple skies with orange trees if I wanted them to be. I can travel 100 galaxies away and create my own solar system. All without leaving a room! Yes, I could do all that reading someone else's book but for me, it's more fun to create those worlds. I get to stretch the fibers of life and make something new. It doesn't matter if it can happen or not--in my head, it can! Call me crazy if you want to but I think we're all a little crazy anyway. Normalcy is overrated. I don't want to be normal. I want to explore and there's a lot in my head that hasn't been discovered yet. That's what I love about being a writer.

My world-my rules. If I want to break them--I won't feel guilty. It's all in the name of entertainment. I'm not a comedian like my husband, but I can pretend I am through a character. I may not be a doctor, but I can pretend I am and save millions of lives through another character. I can be a hero that saves the world. I can do anything, be anyone at any given moment of the day or night. I can even share my dreams--as twisted as some of them may be!

That's what I love about being a writer!

I grew up loving Stephen King. I thought he had to be something twisted to write the horror he writes. I saw a documentary about him when I was younger and it was amazing. He took real-life events in his life and tossed them into his stories. He had a real dog named Cujo. He was struck by a car on the side of the road. He wrote a book at the same desk where another writer died. He took real things and fictionalized them using horror. Didn't make him a bad person. It made him an awesome writer! And I bet he loves being a writer. He doesn't write for the money--he's just that good. And he was in his 40s when he started out! Just think--that much success in such a little span! Makes me all warm inside because it brings hope for those of us who are chasing the same dream. I would love the same life, only with my own little twists. I can't act so you'll never see me in movies based on my books lol. But that's cool in its own right. And I love that about being a writer too lol.

Committing crimes without actually breaking the law! I can kill anyone at any time without actually killing them. I can be mad at someone and just put them in my story and torture them until I feel better. It's relaxing, soothing, healing, etc. And if I don't want someone to read it, I can hit that "delete" button when I'm finished. No one would ever be the wiser--not that I've ever done that lol. But I could. I love that about be a writer! There's no rules. Well, there are but rules are meant to be broken. I don't have to publish the books I write. I can keep them stuffed in a drawer until Hell freezes over--if I wanted to. I'm sure there are people out there who do that. I choose to share my creations because I enjoyed them so much when they poured from my soul. I love to share them because they put so much back into my soul. And I want to give back to the world. I love that about being a writer.

You probably figure it out. I just love being a writer. What do you love about being a writer?

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