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Writer's pictureA.R. Grosjean, author

Things That Inspire Me

I am a passionate person with a lot of compassion, so when I am inspired, it goes straight to the heart. The other day, I was watching the Final for America's Got Talent and I listened to the janitor singing and I almost cried. Every time I head this man sing, I'm thinking how did he go so long before doing this? Didn't he know how good he was? But I guess, some people really don't know. I mean, this guy is my personal favorite and he's so modest. I think his being on the show is inspiring. The man made it all the way to the end and I hope he wins (this was written before the results came in).

That isn't the only thing that inspires me. I strive to be the best person I can be, so having people around me showing me how I can be really makes a difference. Each person inspires a little differently each day. I wish there were more people in this world who did inspire instead of trying to be better than anyone else. I never did care for that type of person. But I guess it takes everyone to make the world go round--those people can inspire the bad people in our books lol.

For writing, what inspires me?

That's such an easy question. It's quite simple--everything.

A TV show inspired the idea for Trading Places. Friends on FB inspired the details for the plot. It made me so excited to write the story that I moved it up lol.

My grandchildren have inspired books, especially the oldest.

A darkened alley inspired Murder in the Wind.

A nightmare inspired Cursed Blood.

Another dream inspired Kidnapped from Yesterday (a new romance story). More about it in October First's newsletter.

Sometimes, an idea just pops into my head and feels like it came from no where, which I honestly believe isn't true because I keep my mind open all the time. I learned at a very young age if I kept my mind open, I could understand other people's POVs. This was long before I was a writer. Putting myself in other people's shoes helped me to understand more about people. Of course, I didn't really understand why people did things that hurt others because that wasn't something I could do so it took me a long time to learn things like that. But I did. People can do strange things and sometimes, it won't make sense to anyone except that person. I think those people can be more complex and that alone inspired me for some of my characters.

I am inspired by love, by unselfishness, compassion, and beauty. I am inspired by a child's act of kindness. I am inspired by a stranger's lack of judgement.

I am only human. I do the best I can with what I have, and continue to grow as much as I can. People around me inspire me to be the best writer and cover designer too. My two worlds are one. I cannot live life without the other and I can't write without living life. Life inspires my writing. And my writing inspires me. I wish I could be more like some of the characters I've written about, but this is the real world. I could never make something appear with the snap of my finger. But I do enjoy escaping into the world where it is possible! I love how books have endless possibilities!

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