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Writer's pictureA.R. Grosjean, author

Something New

I am always learning and trying to improve my world of writing. Including with writing are all those things readers don't see like all those hours spent on editing, marketing, and cover design.

Only writers know what goes into creating a story from scratch. The idea that almost didn't take, the first line that was deleted and rewritten a thousand times, and the ending that almost got rejected because it wasn't just right. All those things in between the beginning and the ending were sweat over and caused a lot of sleepness nights. While some authors have it easy, the rest of us must slave over our work to make it as close to perfect as we can reach, even then we may fall short--we're only human. No one is perfect, remember that. Even authors like Stephen King has missed a spelling error and gramar mistake. I've seen one or two, so I know that's a fact. That pesky spelled-wrong-word even skipped the eyes of the editors! That's one determined error. It happens.

So, here I am talking about this stuff, you're probably wondering what this has to do with something new. Well, I was thinking. I do a lot of that, you know. Anyway, I am always trying to find ways to bring you to my blog because I want to help you. I want to be your friend too. I've always believed that you can't have too many friends! So, I am trying something new. Here's what I was thinking...

First, my blog needs to stand out. I'm searching for ways that will happen. But, having headers can make a difference. I subscribed to other writers' newsletters, so I've been seeing how they do their blogs/newsletters. One author only has 6 books that have been published but yet, she's been nailing it. She's been selling books, has a lot of people coming and going on her blog and website. What does she have that I don't? Well, for one, she knows what she's doing. She knows who her readers are, and she knows how to get her books in front of them! Though I have 28 books published, she knows way more than I do lol. Anyway, she has headers that are pretty basic, a square image with her logo and title, with a decorative element to bring it together. So, I thought I'd try that for a little while to see if I could at least improve mine. I'm not copying, I'm just trying the idea/concept.

Second, I need to come up with ideas that people want to read about. If something is interesting, people will read it. I'm all about writing and books. I live and breath writing. Always have--since I was 11 years old, mind you. But I don't want to talk just about writing--I'm interested in other things too.

So, over the next few months and into 2025, I'm going to be changing things around on here. I'd love your help! Reply back with what interests you. I've got a list of things started, but I want to include things you can relate to. My blogs will arrive on Mondays still, so that hasn't changed. So, I'll see you then and I hope we can be friends! If not, you're more than welcome to still stop by and see what I've got to say.

Thank you!!

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