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Series with upcoming books

The series I have started writing, I have established what books will be added to them, and I have worked on the covers for these upcoming books. There is a "series" page on my website now where you can see all of the series on one page. But I'm going to share them here too and give a little insight into how I came to a conclusion for the books, titles, and covers. All right, here I go...

I will begin with The Fairytale Adventures series since it is my favorite. The first 2 covers were designed by other writers who design them on the side. With the first book, I told her what I wanted and she implemented a design that represented that request. In the second book, I attempted but couldn't quite make the cut. I asked for feedback from other authors on a Facebook Group and one of the authors in the group volunteered to make something for me. When making books in a series, you need to create a cover that represents that. They need to have elements that are similar enough to show belonging. With the final 3 books, I went with something more simple but still fit with the first 2 books. I chose titles that fit the stories.

The World Bureau Legacy is totally different. I've done all of the covers for this one. I am writing Missing Through Time at the moment. The first cover was designed with one book in mind but then a series was born at the end of the writing for Murder Through Time. It happens. I am going to end the story with 4 books. I actually have an ending in mind, but that could change. I went with a time theme for the covers because it is a time travel story. I have big plans for each book that will reveal the title choices.

The Identity Collection series is another series where I had some help. It came at a time when I was beginning with the education of cover design. A designer who writes on the side did the first book. She worked with me, teaching me the important things about design. Some covers, I've done a great job with while others are a little lacking but I think they still look good. The next book I will write in this series is Forgotten. I will be doing touch-ups to the cover but this is the overall look I will be getting. The final covers will be displayed on my website. As for the titles, I went with an identity theme. Stolen "Identity", Mistaken "Identity", Forgotten "Identity", and Switched "Identity".

The Peterson Estate is one of the series that is complete. While I was learning with the woman who designed Stolen, she helped me design Birth of A Witch. I'm very proud of this series because it is one that I started on my own and can see how much I've improved. I'm not at a professional level yet but I feel as though my covers are "good". I chose titles that fit the stories for each section of the main story which is stretched through the 7 books. I created a new series that will be a spin-off from this series.

And that leads me to this series. I only have 2 books designed, but there will be more. I haven't decided how long the series will be. It depends on the main character. Again, I chose titles that fit the story. With this series, I wanted something different so I added a tagline to the covers.

And the final series I've planned so far (more will eventually pop up lol) is the Ghost Detective series with the first 3 books I have planned. It begins with the MC's murder--The Case of Murder. She goes on to solve more mysteries like who robbed the jewelry store--The Case of the Missing Diamonds. Then a child disappears--The Case of the Missing Child. Each book in the series will begin like that. I thought it was an interesting way to pull the books together. The color choices for the covers may change but I really like the border on them. It took me hours to get that created so I want to use it lol.

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