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Writer's pictureA.R. Grosjean, author

Boosting Your Confidence as a Writer

You know the phrase "fake it till you make it"? If you're not feeling it as a writer, this is one method that you can try until you truly feel like a writer. Keep writing though because whether you believe it or not, you ARE a writer. Building up your confidence can be easy or hard depending on who you are. Hopefully, these tips can help...

  1. Set up your workspace (wherever you write) to remind you that you are a good writer. If you have books published and have had reviews, print some out and frame them. That way, when you're feeling low and can't get the words out, you can look at what others say and be reminded that you've done it once already. You got this! If you haven't been published yet, you can still do something like this. Has a friend read your story? Ask them to write something for you to put on your wall. They may get excited to help you out. And you can "fake" it too! Write something and pin it up. Pretend to be a fan. This is only to boost you, no one else needs to know if it's real.

  2. Read your reviews from your books. If a fan loved your book, it can validate what you already know. If someone didn't like your book, you can learn from it. Always strive to improve your writing. No one is perfect, there's room to grow. Growing means you're getting better, even when you're at your best. New tricks are always popping up.

  3. Be someone else's rainbow on their cloudy day. Being positive always spreads inward! You know that happy feeling from helping someone? It runs true for writers too. That can boost your confidence as well.

  4. If you're lucky enough to have a private space to write in, add a mirror to the wall. Whenever you pass that mirror, stop and look at yourself. Give yourself a few compliments about your writing. Don't laugh, be serious. Pretend you are someone else telling you. You can be one of your characters. "Author" I love how you wrote me into your story. This is why... This can be part of the fake it until you win it. If you don't have a private space, you can still do this. Have fun with it though. If being silly helps, then, by all means, be silly.

  5. Read your old work. Now read something new. Did you improve? I bet you did. Now hold onto that feeling. Keep writing!

  6. Talk to other writers. Keep learning. Making friends and visiting with them can bring in confidence. Ask questions. Answer theirs. When you know something someone didn't, you have the power to help them. Do what you can, even if it's something small. There is nothing too small when someone needs help.

  7. Just know that you are enough. You are the best you, you can be. No one can be better at being you. You were created for reason. God knows that reason. And He created you to be what you are. God put writing in your heart and mind. For a reason. You may not know the reason and that's okay. You are special! Remember that! Your life is not small, you are not small. You are part of a big plan and you're right where you were meant to be. If this is something you need to add to your wall, hang it up in big letters. Nothing else could be more true. You are you and you are a writer. It isn't easy. Be proud and stand tall. You are doing something others may have quit. You have done the impossible. Remember "I'm Possible" is in that word.

I hope these tips help you! If you have something to add, please include them in your comments below. Thank you!

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