I looked back in my planner and saw what I was doing last year at this time. I was editing Peterson Estate 7: Angelic Blood and began writing Home. Both books turned out well, so I'm pleased with how they turned out.
Home was the first book that I made into a hardcover. It was a complicated process getting the cover just right. It's so different than the paperback version. I don't know if I will be making any more books in hardbound. Just too difficult lol.
Just like last year, I am editing and writing two different books lol. I am finalizing my edits for Missing Through Time. It will be ready for publication next month. And I began writing Fairytale's Beginnings. I always have fun with those characters. Since it is about the beginning, there will be many stories you'll enjoy. I'm not sure how they will come together just yet. We'll see!
What are your favorite fairytales growing up? I would love to hear them. Please leave a comment and tell me all about those stories. Maybe, I'll use one in the book!