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Writer's pictureA.R. Grosjean, author

A Writer's Must-Have Tool Kit

Every writer is different. One writer wrote by hand using the top of his fridge as his desk (Thomas Wolfe) because he was so tall. I've never read any of his books but after hearing this information from a book on writing, it got me thinking how different we all can be.

He's not the only writer to write by long-hand. There are a lot. With technology growing as it has been, we no longer need to, but some writers still take enjoyment from it. I did when I started out. Of course, for me, it was the only way to write. But then I got my first desktop computer and I was in love with the idea of writing with this method. Once I had enough money to get a laptop I haven't gone back to writing long-hand or using a desktop.

There are writers who use their cell phones. I have tried this but decided using the laptop was easier on my eyes lol.

How and where we write is only the beginning. There are other things a writer needs or could use while writing. Here's a list of what I've learned helps me plus a few more. See if you use the same things. If not, I'd love to hear what you use (that wasn't included on the list)...

  • Internet or Wifi for research. Google is a big place to search from. It helps to find the right words to use when you have a definition but not the word! I do that search a lot lol. You also need the internet in one form or another to market your book online (IG, FB, etc).

  • Notebooks. They aren't just for collecting (I know of a few guilty writers who collect them). You can write down notes for the story you're working on or plotting before the story is written. It's also a good way to remember things like names, places, plot ideas, and other important details for the story. Sometimes, you want to remember so and so had blue eyes not green.

  • Back in the day, we had to have a hardbound copy of the dictionary or thesaurus for writing. I had both. I still have a thesaurus. It helps when looking up words or finding similar words so you're not using the same ones repeatedly. Today, you can search online, but some writers will tell you it's better to have copies of these books on hand just in case. I think that's a good idea. Sometimes, you can't get Wifi.

  • Music. Having a playlist is a must for some writers. It puts them in the mood and helps them stay in the zone. This is a preference and is not a requirement. If you don't know if you can write while listening to music, give it a try. I didn't use to be able to listen to music while writing, but I've been working on it because I do love music. It's another thing that helps calm me. I do tend to get a little emotional when I write lol.

  • I've learned over the years that printing out a story can help with the editing. So if you can afford one and have the space, a printer can be quite important for a writer. Today, printers can be on a Wifi which means you can put them in a different room and use other devices to print things.

  • Pens and Pencils. I have never met a writer who didn't have a ton of pens. I actually got a prize at my family reunion once for having loads of them in my purse lol. True story. I think that was the last one I went to. I still have a lot of gel pens, black pens, and a few red pens, but not as many as I did back then. They help me with note-taking and planning (a different color for different things). And when I'm out and about, I use a pen to jot down ideas. I use my phone for that too.

  • Mug for coffee. While it's not a requirement, coffee keeps me awake or wakes me up, which keeps me writing or working on other aspects of writing like marketing, research, or just talking to other people. Mugs are for more than coffee, they can be used to hold all those pens too! Some writers like to be organized, which can help them stay busy because they have more access to more things.

  • Software. Some are better than others, obviously. Every writer has their own list of what they prefer. You should have at least one writing program like Microsoft Word (or something else). You could use online versions or have the file directly on your PC. If you do more than writing, which you should be editing as well, there are software programs for those. Never pass on your story without editing first. Whoever reads your story (editor) should have a copy of your best work. There are places like Grammarly (there are tons more) that can help with editing. Once you feel the story is as close to perfect as you can get it--then you pass it on to another person for more editing. Other software products can help with cover design and formatting.

  • Snacks. You shouldn't write on an empty stomach. Having snacks close by gives you easy access so you don't have to get up from your area. Every time you step away from your writing, you risk getting thrown out of the zone. Of course, that doesn't mean you have to sit at your desk the whole time. You still want to take breaks to use the bathroom, stretch, and exercise (go for a walk). Writing can cause pain from staying in the same place for too long. Use your judgment on that part. What snacks you keep by you is up to you. Drinks included.

  • Books. Writers should read. The books you read as a writer is strictly up to you and what you write. But I don't think you should stop at the genre you write because when you read other genres it helps you expand your mind and that is a good thing. Write romance? Read romance and something else that pulls you in. Please, don't stop there. Read books on writing too. And marketing if you can. Both of those can help too. Today, you have a huge list of types of books you can read (or listen to). Paperback, hardbound, ebook, audiobook... Pretty much every writer will tell you this is important so keep reading. How many in a year's time is up to you.

  • Space to write. I'm back to where I started from. Remember Thomas Wolfe? You can write anywhere on anything! That's the beauty of being a writer. You take it everywhere you go. You can have a dedicated place like a desk, or you can write wherever you feel like writing. Up to you. I use a desk because I prefer having a dedicated place. It puts me in the zone when I want it to (of course, that doesn't stop my mind from going there lol). I know writers who use their kitchen table or their cell phone in the car. We're all different!

  • Time. We have to make time, but sometimes we get lucky and have a designated time to work on our stories. Again, this is something that will be different for every writer. Things like a full-time job, children, wife/husband, or other responsibilities will affect our writing time. You can squeeze minutes out of a busy day to write a sentence or two while waiting for the bus, stuck by a train, break at work, after the kids have gone to bed, before the kids wake up for the day, etc.

Other things will vary for all writers. What do you keep in your must-have writing tool kit? What are the most important things for you? What will kill you if you don't have it? Reply below and share those things. Include other things that are left out.

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